Archive for May, 2014

Cloud Computing   no comments

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The company in integrated information systems GmbH invites on Friday, July 6th, 2012, to the 30th meeting of the work group software technology at the University of Konstanz, room F007, start 16: 00 a. Invitation to security and cloud computing a contradiction in terms? Konstanz, 19.06.2012 (mwg). The company in integrated information systems GmbH invites on Friday, July 6th, 2012, to the 30th meeting of the work group software technology at the University of Konstanz, room F007, start 16: 00 a. Theme of the event is: security and cloud computing a contradiction in terms? Infrastructure as a service (IaS), platform as a service (PaS) or software as a service (SaS), cloud computing is for the concept, abstract infrastructure, such as IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, dynamically to the needs of adapted over a network to provide the user. The IT service from the wall socket, such as the electricity coming so soon? Companies are competing for the favor of users and businesses: everything in the public cloud, and the data are everywhere on all Devices available. But what does this mean for the security of data or the protection against unauthorized access? These current issues are illuminated from various points of view by experts. Agenda secure data storage in the cloud – know what the user over his tax return in dropbox dropbox, Google drive (Sebastian Graf, researcher, University of Konstanz), cloud storages of existing Wuala, Amazon S3, Microsoft azure offering satisfies normal end users as well as large companies. The benefits of cloud based data storage (pay-as-you-go, availability, collaboration, synchronization, scalability, etc.) push but questions relating to the security of the data in the background. Just but the physical loss of control of data provoked questions like “What exactly is safe data storage?” and “How can I, safe to store my data in the cloud?” which dealt with in this presentation.

Written by Jane on May 2nd, 2014

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