Archive for December, 2015

Communication Methods   no comments

Posted at 11:26 pm in News

To use this convenient method of communication. Eliot Horowitz helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Enough to have a computer with Internet access and appropriate program. One very convenient and almost indispensable functions of the messenger is user presence status. It is not something Eliot Horowitz would like to discuss. Depending on the version of icq, presence status changed, but the same remain the status as on-line, off-lain, in addition, additional status gives the user the opportunity to show their status: busy, do not bother, there is no on-site. These statuses are displayed on the interface and allow users to system to see your status. Send a message, and in that case if the recipient is off-line.

Message will come to him as soon as it connects to the network. Correspondence in the icq is not confidential in the full sense of the word. The company aol has every right to transmitted by messenger information. Besides who gained enormous popularity messenger icq, now mass produced alternative clients, such as qip, Miranda, and the like. Messenger qip in recently gaining increasing popularity. Its nice feature is that it supports most protocols. The first account is created on the protocol Jabber, then you can add accounts for other protocols. Messenger has a pleasant and friendly interface.

With it you can receive if you are registered, for example, "Classmates", "VKontekte, you can share files, download information, call landline or mobile phone. Another popular instant messenger is Miranda. Miranda is easily installed on your computer. First, download the file, razarhiviruem it. Then find the folder on your computer Miranda, and it – Plugins.

Written by Jane on December 31st, 2015

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Communication Deficit   no comments

Posted at 7:48 am in News

Communication deficit – a problem for the modern man is one of the truly fundamental. At the same time it is not shortage of communication in general, but this interaction and companionship. It is obvious that from the institution to the firm or any other location interaction representative of the human race is enough. Formal interaction, driven by special social framework. A natural, not limited by any boundaries of interaction – in fact missing.

On the one hand, it is sometimes remarkable, since the lack of barriers often leads to truly negative, even illegal scenarios. C On the other hand, is not formally gives the opportunity to experience sensations. And in the absence of emotion itself seems faceless human activity and lifeless. Come to the aid itself on its own Internet and such invention as a chat. In general, the actual chat allows the user to become completely free: to talk with those who are attractive or with everyone. To stop contacting the favorite for the first hour. Or change location of communication. Or talk in several various chat rooms.

As they say, anything, if only for health. At the moment there is a free chat in general to all known sites and large portals. It advantageous position quickly and now share their experiences, to get the data. And lose the elementary period of time. Many chat rooms are not expected to register an individual and be able to imagine yourself as someone you want – depending on from overflowing emotions. Directly from the knight or the gray wolf and man-made object finishiruya. Complete freedom of expression. Also, an individual who does not have the imagination, leadership determines chatting otherness. Y an individual who has the best performance by the age range of interests and chat communication is sufficient. Actually, the chat can be reoriented and personal correspondence. Or using e-mail, or icq as well as other Internet-pager. Or even exclusively, to seize the opportunity which is not uncommon for the majority of chat rooms – to send text messages that will be available only to any person. Frequently chat can become a place of formation of an unknown before the Internet community. For example, a site dedicated to dogs, able to form a new group of fans of any of this particular breed. And sometimes lovers online Car – fans of a particular model. And that's good, because people do not feel abandoned, finding those who are interested in the same issues. Even in terms of geography data associates are some other end of the world.

Written by Jane on December 29th, 2015

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Communicating With Kids   no comments

Posted at 2:33 am in News

An important preditor of the alfabetizao is the way with that the adults speak with the children; a rich vocabulary with uncommon words must be used, mainly if used during simple activities of day-by-day, as during the meals, or in colloquies with relative questions to why the people make the things they function. Snow cited for Papalia, Olds (200, p.203) says that ‘ ‘ such colloquies help the young children to choose the words and to organize the way phrases coerente’ ‘. Another activity that helps in the preparation of the children for the alfabetizao is the educative television with programs that teach to letters and numbers, resolution of problems, reasoning and understanding. Physical and social environments that attract the attention of children and to them make to always participate actively, but with the parents interacting with them, talking on what they are attending and to perfectioning still more abilities of vocabularies. The way to play of the children is another factor of development of the alfabetizao. Playing of the children is not only one diversion, playing must be faced as the work of the young, where they explore the world of itself same, acquires new abilities, at last, playing provides good chances to learn, to use and to practise the alfabetizao. The imaginative games involving ‘ ‘ they make of conta’ ‘ it is essential so that if it produces so that if it produces learning: The form to teach encloses and comment of the child in classroom or other activities as physical education, artistic education and recreation.

It must be verified as the child plays. To hear what it has to say, to hear the colloquies of the children between itself, to try to perceive as they see the world, as she organizes its way to think, which its logic, to allow that it manipulates diverse objects, that put into motion and learn the different contents, using its body whole number. FINAL CONSIDERAES Considering the studies carried through for elaboration of this article one notices that the alfabetizao is a process that if develop from the analysis and reflection that the pupil makes on the language. It fits to the professor to construct contexts of use of the knowledge that the pupils possess of analysis of the regularidades of the writing, of comparison of its hypotheses with the one of the colleagues and with the conventional writing, of answers the challenges, resolution the problems and to create situations that stimulate the verbal and jjescrita language. Beyond the school she is the family who has a preponderant paper in the education of its children fitting it to give to continuity to the educational process initiate in the familiar environment. Thus, the educational process that if of needs there to be understood as to complete what each one brings of individual and collective history. The education does not start in the school, is born before, in the familiar seio. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES DEMON, Peter Professor of the future and reconstruction of the knowledge.

Written by Jane on December 27th, 2015

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Interpersonal Communication   no comments

Posted at 8:11 am in News

How do you determine the communication component of the promoter of the communication process with a potential buyer? Here is one, in our opinion, psychologically sound definition with the five different classification attributes of communications. This interpersonal communication – verbal and nonverbal, planned in advance and often spontaneous, informal and direct. Interpersonal Communication – the simplest of communications systems. It may consist of either two-person communication, or involve as many people can meet face to face with the condition that the participants will have the opportunity to influence each other. When the system consists of only two people belonging to two different groups (promoter-buyer), it is called a 'dyad' or 'pair'. Interpersonal Communication 'promoter-buyer' characterized by a low complexity, high frequency of contacts, a short formation time feedback and a high adaptation to it. Verbal communication – speech – is a powerful communication tool. None less body language, ie non-verbal structures, play a more important role in the process of effective communication.

According to research conducted Ogilvy8Mather Direct, in any given message, the words create a 15% effect, creates a tone another 25%, and non-verbal forms (body language) generate 60% of the exposure. Very strong figures in order to recall the words of renowned expert in marketing communications Rick Crandall: "In professional services people must first buy your own, and only then will the hope that they will pay attention to the very subject of your proposal. People first evaluate your own inevitable appeal.'' In his remarkable book Nonverbale Communications ('Heverbalnye communication'), Stephen Veyts distinguishes five categories of wordless communication: facial expression and visual communication (meeting views) posture and gestures paralanguage (Washington, voice volume, pitch); distance between people in the form of onredelennom; multichannel communication (the simultaneous interaction between the various factors involved in the communication process).

Written by Jane on December 25th, 2015

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