Archive for May, 2015

Stanford University   no comments

Posted at 8:36 am in News

According to some authors, the only IC is responsible for 20% of true intelligence, the ability to cope with success and happiness. According to statistics conducted in United States, a high CI for a college student is no guarantee of future professional success or a satisfying, full and balanced life. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand makes things easier. Goleman distinguished within it five skills: to) the ability to recognize feelings. (b) of administration.

(c) the self-motivation. The recognition of the emotions of others and d) recognition of the emotions of others and e) empathy or capacity for reactions properly before the feelings of others. These tools will allow us to move among the storm of feelings and emotions themselves and of others, following what a romantic little knowledgeable of the neurolinguisticos called the invisible compass of the heart. It is known that 30 years ago, a psychologist at Stanford University conducted an experiment with children from 4 years. Showed each one a treat and told him that I couldn’t eat it, but that if expected to back him would bring two; then she kept herself with candy and its decision.

Some guys not endured and ate the treat; others chose to wait to get a greater reward. Fourteen years later, made a follow-up to those same kids: those who had endured without taking candy, and therefore better controlled his emotions based on an objective were entrepreneurs and social. The impulsive, on the other hand, tended to demoralize before any inconvenience and were less bright. Principles of the Emotional intelligence: 1.-reception: anything that incorporate any of our sentidos.2-retention: corresponds to the memory, which includes the retention (or ability to store information) and the memory, the ability to access that information almacenada.3.-Analysis: feature that includes the recognition of patterns and informacion.4.-emission processing: any form of communication or creative act, even for the pensamiento.5.-Control : Function required to the totality of mental and physical functions.These five principles are reinforced among if.

Written by Jane on May 5th, 2015

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